
Carpet Pro Cpu-1t Vacuum Cleaner Review

Carpet Pro Cpu-1t Vacuum Cleaner
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Had a vacuum for years that I was happy with. When it finally quit working, I attempted to replace it with the same. I could only get the newer version. Big mistake. From the first use I hated everything about it but because of the $ investment, I suffered for another 5 years. Hooray! It finally broke. I researched for 2 weeks,in an attempt to avoid similar problems. Based on my personal needs, I came across this. How many ways can I say that I love it? It's simple, straight forward,uncomplicated. It has a very bright headlight. Good. It's easy to push around. Another good.Goes from carpet to throw rug with ease and no gaps. More good. And here's the cincher, for me: it easily picks up all dog hair. I have 3 dogs and lots of hair. No longer a problem. I love this vacuum so much that I make people vacuum my house so that they can experience it. Rather than think that I'm weird, they are anxious to solve their own vacuum problems and readily take me up on the opportunity. So far, most have been convinced. One person wanted all the bells and whistles. For me, quality wins out every time and this is truly quality.

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